Friday, September 02, 2005

Better now than Sunday...

Got an early morning massage before work. I haven't seen my massage therapist in quite a while as she was away for a bit doing the oh-so-hard job of being the massage therapist to the Canadian National Waterskiing team. Nice work if you can get it. I was glad to hear her say that I am not as much of a mess as I thought I might be.

Then I walked my bike to the bike store for a quick warranty tune up before this weekend's race. While I was on my way I heard the tell tale hiss that says your tire is going flat. Sure enough the air slowly leaked out of the tire as I walked to the store. When I got it there we found a big ole staple in the tire. My fingers are crossed that that got my flats out of the way for at least a few days.

Hoping to get in a bike workout after I pick the bike up. But I might decide to just head home and call it a day.


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