Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy New Year

I have almost survived my first week back to work after the holidays. The office was closed from December 23 until January 3, so I had a good chunk of time off. It's always hard coming back. I get back at my desk, look around and think to myself, "What is it that I do again!?"...

I did pretty much nothing during the week after Christmas. We traveled to Ottawa and I took my running gear so that I could run with my boyfriend's cousins, but they went out when we were getting ready to go visiting. When we were at home, I managed to ride the Computrainer. I ate three Christmas dinners during that time and ate every morsel of chocolate that was given to me as a gift. We got a BBQ from the boyfriend's family which is very exciting. Now we can grill on the back deck come summer. Mmmmmmm steak. We got a great footstool storage unit from my parents, one that I have been meaning to buy for about two years now. I also received an entire box of individual serving sized bags of Combos which I hear are one of the best bike riding snacks. Lots of other stuff too including some money for the Ironman fund. I'm pretty spoiled every Christmas.

We were invited out for New Year's but Shayne was not feeling well so we just stayed in and watched a movie and on New Years day went out for our traditional breakfast at the Diner. I got quite a bit of knitting done and I am almost finished the back of the Banff sweater. I needed some clarification on the pattern so I was waiting to ask the expert knitter in our office. So I should finish the back this weekend. I finished the funnel neck sleeveless shell, but I think it is too big. Since it knits up so fast I may just take it apart and knit a smaller size.

As I mentioned, training was pretty quiet until this week. Over the holidays I finally rode the final leg of the IMC course. In total (over four sessions) the full 180.25 km took me 7 hours and 22 minutes. Yoga starts up again next week and hopefully my swimming will become more consistent.


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