Thursday, February 02, 2006

One Goal Down...

I have been trying to make sure I fill in the 'Weekly Goal' section of my training log on Sunday or Monday of each week. This week my goals were:
  1. Practice bi-lateral breathing (breathing to left and right when swimming, as in every three strokes) during warm up and cool down
  2. Doing some form of strength training three times in the week
  3. Drinking at least a litre of water at work each day
So I completed goal number 2 today. I lifted weights at the gym twice and then this morning I went and did a stability ball class. The bi-lateral breathing thing is sort of happening, I just find it so hard! The water thing is not too much of an issue.

Last night I was scheduled to ride the Escape from Alcatraz bike course on the computrainer. Escape to Alcatraz is a triathlon known for it's very cold swim from a boat in the middle of the water, a pretty hilly bike course and the infamous 'sand stairs' on the run.
Well, the bike course is indeed hilly. The computrainer was registering inclines above 20% on some sections. Unfortunately I don't really have enough gears to climb well above about 6.5%. So this was a challenge. You basically just pedal really really really slow. If I were actually on the course I would have likely fallen over from lack of momentum! But the downhill sections were pretty sweet.

I'm scheduled to run with the group tonight and then do a little bit of speed work on my own - 2 x five minutes at 5K effort. Hope the weather holds!


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