Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Twisted Stitches

When learning to knit, the first thing one should really learn how to do is fix mistakes. I never really learned to fix mistakes so making mistakes when knitting really stresses me out because sometimes it seems easier just to start over. So I started on the first sleeve of the Banff sweater. It has the same wide ribbing at the bottom as the body. Except it does this kind of funky hourglass shape thing at the cuff. So there is some decreasing and increasing within the pattern of the ribbing. I miraculously made it through the decrease unscathed, but when I made my increase I did it the way that leaves you with a hole. So it looked icky. So I had to tear it back. When I put the stitches back on the needle they got twisted, so now there is a noticeable defect along one row of the cuff. But I don't have the heart to tear it all the way out.

Weekend was fairly uneventful but felt busy. Did a three hour ride on Saturday. Rode a computrainer course call "The Big Dipper". It is basically a nice 1% downhill section, then a long 2.2% uphill, a very small downhill, another long 2.2% uphill with the crest of the hill at 3%, a small downhill, another 2.2% climb, and then a lovely 15% downhill with a bit of flat to the finish. The whole thing is 11.23km. I rode it 6 times. The climbs aren't really climbs, they are just 'inclines', but the load is enough to give you a bit of strength work and work at keeping your HR in check. After the ride I headed out to buy some new running shoes.

Saturday I did my long run of 18km. I can now safely say that eating McDonalds for breakfast before your long run is not a good idea! Even if you wait three hours afterwards. For the first half of the run I had a cramp in my side, and it was hard to eat/drink on the run because I was still feeling so icky full that the thought of ingesting anything was just making me feel ill. Never again, not even if we have coupons for free breakfast sandwhiches!

Monday was my last yoga class. While I am a bit sad not to be going back for the next session, I feel like I want to save a bit of money. I bought a stretching DVD that I will do instead. Maybe next session I will go back to the yoga.

Finally, I started this week off with my sports medicine guy telling me I have cuboid syndrome. I know, sounds more like a math problem than a foot pain. After wearing some heels (I NEVER wear heels) I started to get some pain on the outside edge of my foot. It got better, than worse, then better. My chiropractor was a bit stumped. So I went in to see the other guy and this is what he told me. He seems to think it will go away quickly.


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