Friday, February 10, 2006

The universe took me down a notch

So I had a great swim workout this morning. Did some warm up laps with some swimming, some kicking and some drills. Then the main set was 5 x 100 fast, 50 kick. Repeat this 3 times. Focus was on strong swimming with solid form, not fast arms. Well, I did all of the 100s in under 1:50. Which for most is not fast, but for me is excellent. I was very pleased and feeling very confident. I showered and got dressed and when I got outside it was snowing. There was a light dusting on the ground and the roads looked a little 'greasy'. So as I am riding to work I am reminding myself not to pick up any speed and be cautious when braking. And I am. Until I am like 2 blocks from work and I guess I just braked too hard or too fast and sure enough my rear wheel slides under me and I go skidding a little ways on my knee and elbow. This has happened to me a few times this winter, so I just pick up up the bike, hop back on and get moving. I managed to skin my elbow despite three layers of clothing (it's like the clothing version of rug burn!) and my knee is going to have a nice bruise. Well, at least it isn't skirt weather!

Tonight is my blessed night of rest. I'm going to knit and watch more Sex and the City. I am still working the ribbing on the first sleeve. It's been a slow week of knitting due to some busy evenings. The ribbing on the sleeve also decreases and then increases again so I have been slow on the pattern because I have to keep slowing down to make sure I am making the right stitch. Hopefully I will get some solid knitting time in this weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your fall. I'm glad you're okay though. Good job on the swimming times!

2:22 PM  

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